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Roc von den Wilden Teufeln (Roc) CKC, UKC

Pedigree click here

Breed: DDR East German Working Line

DOB: 10/21/2013

Title: HIC, CA, CGN, SPOT, Cert Therapy Dog, RATI

H/E: OFA-Hips- Excellent/Normal


Roc is from a very strong DDR back ground and was imported from Germany. Roc has a large and very strong build for his age. He is temperament is amazing and has a very clear head. Roc is very reliable to take any where with you, He loves being around people and other animals. Roc is starting to show great toy drive. He loves to fetch the ball and brings it back to you. I am looking forward to training Roc and seeing what his limits are.

We have discovered that Roc just loves the Frisbee and will play for hrs on end.

I am hoping to enter him in a Disk Dog trial in Aug. Roc has also started to enjoy dock diving, so we have been practicing his skills there, again hoping to achieve a title this summer.

SG Anakin Skywalker Von Rothhaus

(Ducati) CKC

Pedigree click here

Breed: West German Working Line


Titles: NTD, HIC, CGN, RATI, PT.

H/E: Pre lims/Excellent/Normal


Ducati is out of our own breeding program from Zehna and Garak.

He has a large and solid build for a puppy. Ducati is starting to show potential for IPO training with his strong toy drive, focus and willing to please.

Ducati has started some training in Obedience and on the sleeve.

Ducati is an amazing puppy. His has a great personality and has been a great puppy. His ability to learn so quickly is amazing.

Ducati has started some luring coursing and dock diving this summer. Hopefully will earn some titles this yr in Dock diving.

He has great toy drive and will play for hrs if you can keep up with him, Ducati can come in from playing and will settle down nicely and rest.

Retired Males

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