Von Rothhaus German Shepherds
Top Quality Working Line German Shepherds
Von RothhausTopPerformers!!!
Von RothhausTopPerformers!!!

Colt passed his puppy class!!!

Macy received her cert for her puppy Education Class!! Way to go Macy and Shelby! Feb 17/15
Colt has passed his intermediate obedience class! Feb 19/15

Ducati Received his NDT

Colt Received his NTD title.
Great work Nicole and Colt!! Feb 25/15

Yesterday Kalla obtained her Started SP and 3rd over all in Started and also got Advanced Interior and 2nd place overall in Advanced. A lot of the trial experience was very new to her and I am really proud of how she handled it. Thank you to the Nosey Pawtners for a great trial and judges Heather and Doug Wilson!

Proud of this girl! Kalla just turned a year old and did her first Sporting Detection trial with second in interior and third in containers working stream! Looking forward to our next tria

Great job Kalla and Danielle !!

Ryder has graduated Basic 1 at LDTA yesterday.

Ryder graduated LDTA's Basic 2 last nigh....Now on to club classes!!!

Great job Ryder and Francoise!

Willa graduated Puppy class!